More list noise... refactored shoebot up
Stuart Axon
2010-05-11 22:46:13 UTC
I've integrating my code into the shoebot codebase


It feels faster, but thats probably more to do with the way I use cairo than the refactoring per-say.
It's graphics system agnostic, except for in
BezierPath, where it renders, and finding the center of the path.

Not working yet:
speed(x) Doesn't actually set a framerate, but should start animation.
You have to hit ctrl-c to kill bot after closing the window.
DrawBot grammar
Mouse, Keyboard, RightClick

loads of other untested stuff, like snapshot etc

After I get the gui stuff working it'll be interesting to investigate multithreading.

To benchmark, run a bot with -w -r 1000 to run it 1,000 times.

Stuart Axon
2010-05-12 17:46:56 UTC
Ooops... missed a vital file.

Works now, still lots to do though :)

(like Text, and all elements that are not BezierPaths)
