Shoebot website - Database error
Stuart Axon
2014-01-10 20:42:46 UTC
[moving to list]
This makes sense, the less effort for maintenance the better... github pages does look kind of interesting?

I've been working on a thing to automatically test shoebot, but no idea when it will be finished, eventually that will want to live on a python host... ETA is no time soon though, so doesn't affect this.

On Friday, January 10, 2014 5:39 PM, Ricardo Lafuente <***@manufacturaindependente.org> wrote:
Nevertheless, the site is so outdated and broken it hurts. I think it's
clear that WP is not the best choice for this kind of site.
I'd love to turn it into a single page site on Github pages for easier
maintenance, updating and access. What do you think? Or do you have
another idea regarding what to do with the site?
  Error establishing a database connection