Scripted publishing [RFC]
Stuart Axon
2013-01-18 12:18:12 UTC
I'd like a 'publish' option, it would take shoebot output and run it through some sort of scripted process.
It would work with hooks at various points (e.g. frame has been generated)

It could work like this:

--publish video:somevideo.avi
--publish html:some_directory

--publish gist:github_gist

The first part is the script/plugin, then the parameters.

video plugin - take each frame and pass it to something like gstreamer or ffmpeg with sensible defaults to create the output video.

html plugin -  build an html page, using sphinx (like processing/contextfree have) for the script, with a screenshot.

gist - call the html plugin and publish to a github gist, with screenshots uploaded and linked.

The above plugins are just examples... something like this would make it easier for us to add desired functionality to IDE plugins.

.. I really like the idea of a plugin that publishes to the shoebot site, however because someone could publish a dangerous script, we'd probably need some sort of vetting.

[See ContextFree - if you use the windows version you can click a .CDFG file in the site and have it work straight on your computer - I guess security might be a problem for us]


