On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 14:24:32 -0700 (PDT)
Post by Stuart AxonHas anybody got any experience of running python profilers? I'd
quite like to run shoebot in one and see what seems to use the CPU
I never bothered trying it until I saw your mail :) I followed this
and this worked for me:
python -m cProfile /usr/bin/sbot path/to/testfile.bot
If you want to save the profile data to a file to massage it later with
the stats module, you can do:
python -m cProfile -o profile_data /usr/bin/sbot path/to/testfile.bot
Although the profile modules are suposed to be in the standard Python
install, I had to install the python-profile module on Ubuntu for them
to work properly.
Have fun,