not that i know, not really as sketchup, but better YES. I usually use
it must be lot faster"... very clever decision! it took twice the time
Post by Dave CrosslandHaha about sketchup - is there a similar free program yet?
Regards, Dave
On 16 Apr 2009, 5:41 PM, "francesco fantoni"
I've just pushed the libraries to the official repository (it's rather a
huge commit, around 18 Mb !).
I've modified the as well, and libraries should get installed
in the proper place (it works on my system, but it's probably worth
testing it)
sorry for the delay: i've been struggling with sketchup last days, as
i've had the very bad idea to use it to model my last work, and it's
really a crap!
ready for the big launch! where is going to be the party?
best to all
Stuart Axon wrote: > > What do we need to do before having a
big launch where we make the announce...
architetto Francesco Fantoni
<HVA - Hermanitos Verdes Architetti>
l.go san giacomo, 38
I-41100 modena (italia)
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skype: hva_studio
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