Nodebox compatiblity milestone - Evolution example runs unmodified
Stuart Axon
2013-04-09 14:01:24 UTC
   Back in 2008 when I first saw nodebox, it was the Evolution example
http://nodebox.net/code/index.php/Evolution that made me sad I couldn't 
nodebox on linux...  luckily shoebot was here, though it couldn't run
that particular example yet.. it had puredata integration, a gui and
some nice drawing examples..

Today though, evolution runs completely unmodified on shoebot !

Downloading and running it
sbot -w evolution.py
See's little beasties battle it out for survival (possibly too fast in shoebot)
- for more information read the page on the nodebox site.

Luckily it just involved uncommenting some of our cmyk code, a little work
+ adding a little more to our nodebox compatiblity code (see nodebox-lib).

Obligatory pic..

Known bugs:
Running this did expose a memory leak (issue 33) - also I'm not sure
if colours are 100% correct yet.

The evolution nodebox bot is pretty cool, and see's little creatures battle
it out to survive in the genepool - it runs a little quickly in shoebot.

Have fun -
francesco fantoni
2013-04-09 14:59:03 UTC
hey Stuart,
that's awesome! great job!

best, francesco
Post by Stuart Axon
Back in 2008 when I first saw nodebox, it was the Evolution example
http://nodebox.net/code/index.php/Evolution that made me sad I
nodebox on linux... luckily shoebot was here, though it couldn't run
that particular example yet.. it had puredata integration, a gui and
some nice drawing examples..
Today though, evolution runs completely unmodified on shoebot !
Downloading and running it
sbot -w evolution.py
See's little beasties battle it out for survival (possibly too fast in shoebot)
- for more information read the page on the nodebox site.
Luckily it just involved uncommenting some of our cmyk code, a little work
+ adding a little more to our nodebox compatiblity code (see
Obligatory pic..
Running this did expose a memory leak (issue 33) - also I'm not sure
if colours are 100% correct yet.
The evolution nodebox bot is pretty cool, and see's little creatures battle
it out to survive in the genepool - it runs a little quickly in shoebot.
Have fun -
Shoebot-devel mailing list
Stuart Axon
2013-04-10 11:42:31 UTC
Cheers. ..  

I will try and put up a more detailed blog post in next few days..

If anyone has a mac to run nodebox on it might be worth trying to spot any differences (I'm not sure the
bit where the creatures rotate at the beginning is correct for instance)..

Post by Stuart Axon
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] Nodebox compatiblity milestone - Evolution example runs unmodified
hey Stuart,
that's awesome! great job!
best, francesco
    Back in 2008 when I first saw nodebox, it was the Evolution example
http://nodebox.net/code/index.php/Evolution that made me sad I
nodebox on linux...  luckily shoebot was here, though it couldn't run
that particular example yet.. it had puredata integration, a gui and
some nice drawing examples..
Today though, evolution runs completely unmodified on shoebot !
Downloading and running it
sbot -w evolution.py
See's little beasties battle it out for survival (possibly too fast in shoebot)
- for more information read the page on the nodebox site.
Luckily it just involved uncommenting some of our cmyk code, a little work
+ adding a little more to our nodebox compatiblity code (see
Obligatory pic..
Running this did expose a memory leak (issue 33) - also I'm not sure
if colours are 100% correct yet.
The evolution nodebox bot is pretty cool, and see's little creatures battle
it out to survive in the genepool - it runs a little quickly in shoebot.
Have fun -
Shoebot-devel mailing list
Dave Crossland
2013-04-10 12:40:54 UTC
WOW! Great work Stuart, that's fantastic! :)
