A couple of fixes
Stuart Axon
2009-08-31 05:01:03 UTC

Ooops - I noticed that my framerate limiter was not right, have fixed that and shoebot can now use up to 49% of the cpu (on two core, this seems pretty good I think).

As penance I've made the bot finish when you close the window too - this makes using SciTE much nicer amongst other things (you don't have to manually quit).
ricardo lafuente
2009-09-03 11:13:12 UTC
wowies, wonderful!

this reminds me we ought to fix the remaining bugs in the 0.3 branch so
we can push it to the goto10 server and release quickly :/ IIRC, the
main showstopper was inconsistencies with size()... will have to go back
to that this weekend.
Post by Stuart Axon
Ooops - I noticed that my framerate limiter was not right, have fixed that and shoebot can now use up to 49% of the cpu (on two core, this seems pretty good I think).
As penance I've made the bot finish when you close the window too - this makes using SciTE much nicer amongst other things (you don't have to manually quit).
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