Post by Stuart AxonIs changing sys.path threadsafe though ?
IE If my program (or gedit plugin, or the ide) runs a bot, then will my programs sys.path be affected?
my wild guess is that it affects the whole pythonpath. Not sure about
Post by Stuart Axon________________________________
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2009 2:54:51 PM
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] Processing lib in nodebox + module import from current directory doesn't work
wow, well spotted!
so the sys.path appending should happen in, right before the
script is executed. Where this call should go had me stumped for quite
a long time -- this means that it's also the place where the libs path
should be placed to solve the lib issue! Kudos to you Stu :)
right now the old run behaviour is to get the script file contents; now
we'll need to get its path as well. I'll be looking into this - thanks
again :)
Post by Stuart AxonWe need to add append the path of the bot to sys.path before running it;
When I added it's path as the first line
it worked first time.
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2009 12:06:12 AM
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] Processing lib in nodebox + module import from current directory doesn't work
If I get time I'll have a look at getting his examples to work (the module bit); not sure where we'd put them in relation to the other
stuff we ship
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2009 11:44:21 PM
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] Processing lib in nodebox + module import from current directory doesn't work
Good work! :)
Regards, Dave
Post by Stuart AxonThis guy seems to have ported a couple of examples from the book "Visualizing Data".
The example doesn't work in shoebox, as it imports modules from the current directory.
I've added a ticket for this, #88
Post by Stuart AxonShoebot-devel mailing list
Post by Stuart Axon_______________________________________________
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