Life is getting in the way of me helping much with the release at the mo, so I
can't make changes myself (this might change soon).
I agree on removing the IDE,
Yup .. please do this, as I can't right now.
Also - a small bugbear - the sbot.cmd I added has the executable bit set, so it
shows up in the path on unix, if you could unset this too it would be awesome.
I'll look into auto competition and if
it's possible to create a client window, to use to try the
In gEdit ? - Sounds pretty good.
I think it would be easier to just zip the XMLs, just changing the
install script to unzip 'em at the install time. I remember we also
discussed separating the plugins and extras from the main code, now
would be a great time to do so.
I am currently the admin at the gitorious repo, if anyone wants/needs
access, create an account and let me know and I'll add you to
Maybe once these small changes are in it might be worth making this the official
repository (although getting rid of the -dq suffix might be nice).
My thoughts: go for it .. I'll be back participating more once I get access to
my computer :)