mkvirtualenv is in the instructions for virtualenvwrapper.
If virtualenvwrapper is installed properly you should be able to do lsvirtualenv and see the 'shoebot-env' one listed.
I'm guessing that since the virtualenv isn't in ~/.virtualenvs that virtualenvwrapper is not installed properly.
You don't have to use virtualenvwrapper, you can use plain virtualenv following the instructions from the virtualenv page on our wiki
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Post by F. MedeirosI am not sure I have a virtualenv created at shoebot-env.
When I do "mkvirtualenv shoebot-env" I get no errors but also no
folder is created I just get (shoebot-env) written at the
beginning of my terminal.
Post by F. Medeiros Are you sure you have a virtualenv created at shoebot-env ?
Post by Sebastian Olivayou can also use virtualenvwrapper.
Post by F. MedeirosI'm trying to Compile shoebot on Ubuntu 14.04 following the
instructions on Github , when I do ./
Post by F. MedeirosPost by Sebastian OlivaPost by F. MedeirosNo virtualenv at shoebot-env or ~/.virtualenvs/shoebot-env
I dont know what to do, can someone help please?
Thank you.
F. Medeiros
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