I don't understand what you intend by 'try changing the sboebot
I am currently running XQuartz 2.7.4, I will upgrade this to 2.7.6
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Axon <***@yahoo.com>
To: ***@talktalk.net <***@talktalk.net>;
Sent: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:14
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] shoebot-ide
I've just been installed macports on my VM and shoebot - I'll update
the documentation shortly. The warning you were getting doesn't stop
shoebot from working :)
- Try changing to the shoebot directory and see what happens when you
run Ricardos suggestion of running
./sbot -w examples/animation/hypnoval.bot
On Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:15 AM, Stuart Axon <***@yahoo.com>
Do you have the latest XQuartz installed from
On Thursday, July 24, 2014 7:32 AM, "***@talktalk.net"
<***@talktalk.net> wrote:
There are no issues running import pygtk, but there is an issue with
** (process:1562): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype
'GMountMountFlags' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (process:1562): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype
'GDriveStartFlags' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (process:1562): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype
'GSocketMsgFlags' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Axon <***@yahoo.com>
To: ***@talktalk.net <***@talktalk.net>;
Sent: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:15
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] shoebot-ide
I'm not really a mac user (I used a VM to work out the above).
The main thing you need to get working is pygtk - which has a
dependency on gtk+ 2.
If you can install these using homebrew, then get to a point where the
following works without an error:
$ python
import pygtk
import gtk
Then I can probably help you from there.
From google it looks like you need to install:
(pygtk for python 2.7)
Good luck !
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:42 PM, "***@talktalk.net"
<***@talktalk.net> wrote:
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to run both Macports and
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Axon <***@yahoo.com>
To: General Shoebot discussion and development
Sent: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:30
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] shoebot-ide
I had a play in a vm and managed to get shoebot (without the IDE)
At the moment it needs setting up manually with homebrew - it's a bit
of a pain, but works in the end -
You'll need to:
Install XQuartz
Install homebrew
Install gtk, pygtk and python with homebrew:
$ brew install gtk+ pygtk python
edit ~/.bash_profile to use homebrew binaries instead of the system
$ echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
Install virtualenvwrapper:
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ echo source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Create and setup shoebot virtualenv
$ mkvirtualenv shoebot --site-packages
# Clone shoebot from git and change to its directory
$ git clone https://github.com/shoebot/shoebot.git
$ cd shoebot
$ sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/gtk/d' -e '/rsvg/d' -e '/pycairo/d'
requirements.txt | xargs pip install
$ python setup.py install
# If all the above worked you should be able to run the examples
$ sbot -w examples/animation/hynoval.bot
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 12:47 PM, Ricardo Lafuente
<***@manufacturaindependente.org> wrote:
Sorry for the late response to the thread.
I'd say forget the IDE, it's a really old piece of code that I'd be
surprised works at all.
The way to try this on MacOS would be through the sbot command. The
error you get,
Post by u***@public.gmane.orgFor sbot -w examples/animation/hypnoval.bot
-bash: sbot: command not found
is because you haven't installed the package through "sudo python
setup.py install" (which I'm not sure if works on Mac). You have to
specify the local sbot file like
./sbot -w examples/animation/hypnoval.bot
Let us know if that worked, or which error popped up.
Also, feel free to create an issue on GitHub so we can better track the
OSX compatibility issue.
Post by u***@public.gmane.orgRegards
-----Original Message-----
To: General Shoebot discussion and development
Sent: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:53
Subject: Re: [shoebot-devel] shoebot-ide
Do the examples work outside the IDE ?
sbot -w examples/animation/hypnoval.bot
this is cool if you have got this far, shoebot hasn't been tested in
quite a while ! if you can share how you got everything installed we
can update the docs.
python shoebot/gui/ide.py
It hasn't been tested in quite a while, but if you have everything
installed it should *probably* still work ..
I am running OSX v 10.6.8 and Python 2.7.8
As far as I can tell I have completed a successful shoebot
Post by u***@public.gmane.orgI ran sudo python setup.py install and shoebot seems to have been
installed in the site-packages directory
However, shoebot IDE does not boot with shoebot-ide or at all.
Thanks in anticipation
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