New site and wiki
ricardo lafuente
2010-01-12 17:13:19 UTC
Oy all,

I've re-created the Shoebot website in Wordpress; it's a lot friendlier
to edit (IMHO), and gives us a free blog in the process :-) I just used
a base theme and 'ported' all the contents from the old PmWiki site; i
didn't work on the design (yet). Take a look here:


In case no one finds a horrible flaw here, i'll move out the old website
and replace it with this new one.

And there's also a new wiki, where the old HOWTOs have been moved to, as
well as being the proper spot for anyone to place their scripts. Again,
i just used the Mozilla theme for Mediawiki (called Cavendish, btw),
only replacing the logo. The sidebar could be tweaked, as well as the
colours, but i wanted to push this as quick as possible.


This one is ready for using; just register and edit away.

Let me know your thoughts!
Dave Crossland
2010-01-12 23:43:52 UTC
Looks fine to me :)

Open accounts for us usual suspects I guess :)
Stuart Axon
2010-01-13 00:05:48 UTC
Looks great, I have a few bots I'd like to upload :)

ricardo lafuente
2010-01-13 17:22:37 UTC
You can already -- just register as a new user and edit away!
This is where you should place your scripts:

Feel free to edit and add to the existing content, btw!
Post by Stuart Axon
Looks great, I have a few bots I'd like to upload :)
Shoebot-devel mailing list
ricardo lafuente
2010-01-13 17:14:53 UTC
Done, i've created admin accounts in the Wordpress site for dave,
francesco and stuart; you should be receiving the passwords by e-mail.

Anyone else who wants access to the site/blog, just let me know and i'll
be glad to add you.
Post by Dave Crossland
Looks fine to me :)
Open accounts for us usual suspects I guess :)
Shoebot-devel mailing list