LGM this year
ricardo lafuente
2009-11-11 17:03:48 UTC
While chatting with Francesco today, i got reminded that the LGM this
year (which will happen in Brussels, ~26-29 May) would be a perfect
place for us to meet, hack and eventually stage a Shoebot workshop.
Anyone planning to go?

(i know i'm going ;)
francesco fantoni
2009-11-11 18:15:00 UTC
I will try to be there as well, it would really be nice!
Post by ricardo lafuente
While chatting with Francesco today, i got reminded that the LGM this
year (which will happen in Brussels, ~26-29 May) would be a perfect
place for us to meet, hack and eventually stage a Shoebot workshop.
Anyone planning to go?
(i know i'm going ;)
Shoebot-devel mailing list
architetto Francesco Fantoni
<HVA - Hermanitos Verdes Architetti>
l.go san giacomo, 38
I-41100 modena (italia)
tel.& fax. +39.059.217554
skype: hva_studio
e.mail: francesco-***@public.gmane.org
web: http://www.hv-a.com
Alexandre Leray
2009-11-12 02:01:40 UTC
We are waiting for you Ricardo ;-)

Stéphanie and Alexandre!
Post by ricardo lafuente
While chatting with Francesco today, i got reminded that the LGM this
year (which will happen in Brussels, ~26-29 May) would be a perfect
place for us to meet, hack and eventually stage a Shoebot workshop.
Anyone planning to go?
(i know i'm going ;)
Shoebot-devel mailing list